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  1. Ssv ssv

    உள்ளங்கையில் உள்ளங்கால வியர்வை அதிகம் சுரக்கின்றன ….அதற்கு தீர்வு சொல்லுங்கள்???

  2. Bernard Prakash

    Sir I’m so glad to say to you, l got lots of positive feedback from you. Believing god living happy. Amazing wonderful way you express everything. I watched lots of video of you. You are my inspiration for my life. Thank you sir God bless you where ever you are what ever you think n do for humanity.

  3. Shiva Ganesh

    Thank you Sir for your valuable information! You talked about Singer Swarnalatha, legend singer…fine!
    Do you know how much breath control practice needed to sing by K S Chitra and Janaki Amma…. See singersku mariyaadhe kudlena paravailleh…. avangeh velai sulabamnu solladeenge…. Oru link share panre youtube leh Chitra madam tribute to Janaki Amma

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